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[가상화폐]한국 거래소 세계1위 자리를 지키다

방구석 매니아 2018. 1. 23. 11:11




규제에도 불구하고, 한 한국의 암호화 거래소 업비트의 24시간 거래량은 64억 3천만 달러입니다 2위 자리를 지키고 있는 바이낸스는 같은 기간에 48억 달러의 거래량을 기록했으며, 빗썸은 46억 8천만 달러를 기록했다.

비트코인의 경우 특히, 업비트는 세계에서 세번째로 큰 24시간 거래량인 853,351 달러를 보유하고 있다. 비트피넥스는 BTC차트 1억 5천만 달러르르, 그 다음으로 오크스(okex)는 94만 5천 5백37달러를 각각 차지했다. 빗썸은 지난 24시간 동안 BTC 거래액 만365,177달러로 차트에서 10위를 차지했다.

Amid regulatory uncertainty, South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit has grown rapidly, offering 121 cryptocurrencies and over 200 trading pairs. Backed by Kakao Corp, the platform is now the largest crypto exchange by volume globally.

Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and IMF to Collaborate on Curbing Crypto Trading

Upbit Tops the Chart

South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit provided its trading data to Coinmarketcap for the first time on Tuesday. The Kakao-backed exchange debuts as the world’s largest crypto exchange by volume.

Despite Regulations, One South Korean Crypto Exchange Rises to the TopUpbit’s 24-hour trading volume at the time of writing for all coins is $6.43 billion. Trailing behind in second place is Binance with $4.80 billion trading volume in the same time period, followed by Bithumb with $4.68 billion.

For bitcoin (BTC) specifically, Upbit has the third largest global 24-hour trading volume of $853,351. Bitfinex tops the BTC chart with $1.50 billion, followed by Okex at $946,537. Bithumb ranks 10th on this chart with only $365,177 of BTC trade in the last 24 hours.

In December, Upbit revealed that it had a total membership of 1.2 million, average daily users of 1 million, and concurrent users of 300,000. In addition, the platform claimed to have a maximum daily transaction value of 10 trillion won and an average daily transaction value of 5 trillion won in December.

Upbit’s Unique Path

LaunchedDespite Regulations, One South Korean Crypto Exchange Rises to the Top in October 2017, Upbit is operated by Dunamu Inc which received 30 billion won (~USD$28 million) in investment from Kakao Corporation in 2015. Dunamu also operates a mobile stock trading application called Kakao Stock. Thanks to a partnership with the US-based exchange Bittrex, Upbit offers the trading of 121 cryptocurrencies and over 210 trading pairs, according to its website.

Despite Regulations, One South Korean Crypto Exchange Rises to the TopThe rapid growth of Upbit caught the attention of the South Korean regulators as well as the Korean Blockchain Association which works on self-regulation. Following the government’s regulatory announcement on December 14, all major crypto exchanges in the country jointly declared self-regulationas outlined by the association which they are members of.

However, Upbit became a center of controversy when it did not join the association and declare self-regulation with its peers. Instead, the exchange acted on its own and announced on December 30, as quoted by Zdnet:

The company plans not only to actively accept all regulations created by the government but also to create a safe and transparent cryptocurrency trading environment by strengthening self-regulatory measures intensely within the service.

Fulfilling its promises, Upbit implemented the necessary changes at the end of December, as required by the regulations.

Almost a month after other exchanges joined the Korean Blockchain Association, Upbit finally announced on January 11 that it had applied to join the association. The company has also agreed to implement any self-regulatory measures advised by the group, Yonhap reported.

What do you think of Kakao-backed exchange Upbit rising to become the largest crypto exchange globally? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock and Upbit.

업비트가 1위 2위는 바이낸스로 기록되고 있다.
