중국 경제 회담에 참석한 김동연 한국 재무장관은 "블록체인이 세계를 혼란스럽게 만들고 혁명을 일으킬 수 있다"
라고 말하면서 블록체인의 잠재력에 대해 긍정적으로 말했다고 연합통신은 전했다.
중국 인민은행 총재인 조우 샤오 촨 총재와 만난 연 사장은 또한 블록체인 기술에 관한 중국과의 협력증진 필요성에 대해 언급했다.
또 다른 조선 닷컴 사이트에 따르면 연대 관계자는 한국 재무부가 한국의 크립토 통화를 금지하거나 제한 할 계획이 없다고 강조하면서
다음과 같이 덧붙였다.
"블록 체인 기술은 네번째 산업 혁명에 연료를 공급하는 중요한 기술적 진보이며, 따라서 장관은 암호화폐 시장을 규제하는데
신중한 접근 방식을 취할 것입니다"
While on trip to China for economic talks, South Korea’s Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon spoke positively about the potential for Blockchain, saying that “Blockchain technology can disrupt and revolutionize the world,” according to the South Korean-based Yonhap News Agency.
During a meeting with Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, Yeon also spoke of a need for more cooperation with China on Blockchain technology.
According to another Korean news site Chosun, Yeon reiterated that the South Korean Finance Ministry has no plans to ban or restrict cryptocurrencies within the country, adding:
“Blockchain technology is an important technological breakthrough to fuel the fourth industrial revolution and as such, the ministry will take a cautious approach in regulating the cryptocurrency market. For negative use cases of cryptocurrencies, the ministry will impose strict regulations.”
While some have made the case that cryptocurrencies aren’t necessary for still reaping the benefits of Blockchain technology, Yeon sees the two as inextricably linked:
“For open-source blockchain networks, cryptocurrencies are necessary as incentives for individuals to participate in the network.”
Yeon’s positive comments about Blockchain and cryptocurrencies come after a period of harsher restrictions on crypto investing and exchanges in South Korea, with the country’s ban on anonymous trading of cryptocurrencies and a false scare of an overall crypto ban making the markets dip.
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