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[아이오타]폭스바겐 최고 디지털 책임자 IOTA 블록체인 비영리 이사회 합류

방구석 매니아 2018. 1. 25. 18:09




IOTA의 비영리 블록체인 재단이 Johann Jungwirth의 폭스바겐 최고 책임자(CDO)가 감독위원회에 즉시 참여할 것이라고 발표했다. 이사회의 추가 사항은 특별히 중요하진 않지만, 최근 Jungwirth와 Robert Bosch Venture Capital의 파트너인 Hongquan Jiang 박사가 IOTA의 탱글(tangle)기술에 관심을 보인다. 

The IOTA Foundation, a non-profit Blockchain foundation for the Internet of Things (IoT) has announced that the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of Volkswagen, Johann Jungwirth, will join the Supervisory Board, effective immediately. Jungwirth said:

The IOTA platform allows connected devices to digitally send money to each other in form of micropayments, making it useful for the IoT.

While board additions are not often of particular note, the recent additions of both Jungwirth and Dr. Hongquan Jiang, Partner at Robert Bosch Venture Capital, represent growing mainstream interest in the IOTA Foundation’s ‘tangle’ technology.

The company has recently been in the news for a misinterpreted partnership statement with Microsoft and others, and has seen its price rise and fall drastically over recent months, with highs over $5.50 before the end of last year. The coin is traded at around $2.40 as of press time, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

[18/01/25]기준 아이오타 차트
