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[암호화폐]한국 거래소들 자체 규제를 만들어간다

방구석 매니아 2018. 1. 29. 21:44




한국 거래소들 자체 규제를 만들어간다

한국의 많은 가상화폐 거래소들이 자체 규제에 참가하고 있다. 지난 1월 26일 한국 블록체인 협회의 창립과 함께 한국 유명 거래소인 빗썸,

업빗, 코인원 등을 포함한 25개의 거래소가 협회에 등록된 것으로 밝혀졌다. 전 정보통신부 장관인 진대제 전 장관이 첫 협회장으로 위임 한것으로 박혀졌다. 협회는 "가상화폐에 대한 관심이 급증하면서, 많은 자금이 거래소로 흘러 들어오고 있다.

앞으로 정부와 산업간의 원활한 소통을 이루어 가길 원한다" 고 밝혔다.

The number of cryptocurrency exchanges participating in self-regulation has nearly doubled in South Korea. The crypto self-regulation efforts are led by the Korean Blockchain Association which has recently launched with 66 members. The association also plans to develop standard price indices for the main cryptocurrencies.

Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies

25 Crypto Exchanges to Self-Regulate

The Korean Blockchain Association has been leading the cryptocurrency self-regulation efforts in South Korea. The group formally launched on January 26 with 66 members, local media reported. Among its members are 25 crypto exchanges including all of the country’s major platforms such as Upbit, Bithumb, Korbit, Coinone, and Coinplug.

An inaugural ceremony for the launch was held at the Yeouido National Assembly Hall in Seoul. It was attended by 58 out of 66 member companies along with Min Byung-Doo, a member of the Democratic Party, and Kim Sung-tae, a member of the Free Korean Party, Inews24 reported.

Former South Korean Minister of Information and Communication, Chin Dae-jae, became the first chairman of the association. Top Star News quoted him saying, “The public interest in cryptocurrencies represented by bitcoin has soared, and the excessive speculative funding has flowed into exchanges. It’s our reality now.” He emphasized, “The association wants to be an effective communication channel between the government and the industry.”

During the first half of the year, the association “plans to create an information system that allows the public to easily understand virtual currency,” Chosun detailed, adding that:

The association also plans to develop a standard index of key virtual currency prices and transaction data…The intention is to provide credible information as standard transaction data.

Self-Regulation for Korean Exchanges

Growing Number of South Korean Cryptocurrency Exchanges Participate in Self-RegulationPrior to its official launch, the association initially announced self-regulatory measures in December, at the suggestion of the regulators and in consultation with the banking sector. Fourteen cryptocurrency exchanges jointly declared self-regulation at that time, including all major crypto exchanges in the country except Upbit, as news.Bitcoin.com previously reported. The Kakao-backed exchange, which has grown to be one of South Korea’s largest exchanges, joined the association and declared self-regulation in January.

The association has established a self-regulatory committee to work with cryptocurrency exchanges. Chin was then quoted by Chosun:
