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[암호화폐]태국 - ICO 규제단계에 들어가다

방구석 매니아 2018. 1. 30. 02:36




태국 증권 거래위원회 (SEC)와 태국 증권 거래소 (SET)는 가상화폐 규제 체계에 대해 논의하고 있다고 방콕 포스트지가 보도했다.

가까운 시일 내에 공청회가 실시 될 것으로 예상된다. 완료되면, 새로운 규칙 집합이 추가 검토를 위해 위원회에 제출 될 것이다.

작년에 ICO와 관련하여 균형 잡힌 정책을 채택하기 위해 SEC는 "디지털 혁신 지원과 잠재적 ICO사기로부터 투자자 보호 사이의 균형을 유지하고자 한다:고 표현했다. 규제 당국은 ICO가 사기 도구로 사용될 수 잇지만 신생 기업의 자금 수요를 충족시킬 수 있는 가상화폐 제공의 가능성에 주목했다.

이달 초 태국의 감독 당국은 비트코인 거래를 허용했다. 증권 거래위원회(Securities and Exchange Commission)는 또한 전용 포털을 통해 ICO 프로젝트의 심사 절차를 시행 할 계획이다.

회사는 프로젝트의 목표, 사업 계획 및 모델, 수익의 의도 된 사용, 관련 법적 위험, 관리 및 자문정보, 토큰에 대한 세부 사항을 자세히 기술 한 백서를 공개해야 한다 밝혔다.

As part of its balanced approach, Thailand is taking further steps to regulate initial coin offerings by expanding current guidelines. Discussions on the framework between relevant institutions have already started, with a public hearing to be conducted soon. The first ICO to be carried out by a locally registered company is scheduled for March. The plan is to raise more than $20 million for a decentralized lending platform.

Also read: New Research: 10% of Funds Raised in ICOs Lost or Stolen

Growth in Other Countries Convinced Thailand to Act

Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) are discussing a comprehensive regulatory framework that will cover fundraising through initial coin offerings, the Bangkok Post reported. A public hearing is expected to be carried out in the near future. Once completed, the new set of rules will be presented to the Commission’s Board of Directors for further consideration.

Current guidelines limit the maximum investment for retail investors to $10,000 per ICO and $95,000 per person. Using additional information gathered from participants in the market, the SEC’s Board of Directors will finalize the regulatory framework for token sales and related financial transactions. The matter is expected to be raised with the board in the first quarter of this year.

The ICO issue requires a coherent national policy because it is a major issue

So said SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul, noting that the rapid growth of ICO fundraising in many countries is the main reason behind Thailand’s decision to address the matter at policy level. Token sales will be discussed when SEC’s Board of Directors reconvenes.

If ICOs are not regulated, investors and other participants may question their legitimacy, Rapee warned in further comments on the need of regulatory support for this type of investment. The Thai official highlighted the increasing popularity of initial coin offerings with investors and startups from the tech sector. In his words, ICOs are trendy because they can raise funds swiftly without requiring a financial statement.

Thailand Taking Steps to Regulate ICOsOne such firm is planning to conduct an ICO in March. Jaymart subsidiary J Ventures is set to become the first SET-listed company to sell its own digital currency, releasing “JFin” through a token sale. The raised funds will be used to develop a decentralized digital lending platform integrated with blockchain technology. J Ventures hopes to collect more than $21 million USD in local currency in the first phase of the offering. Tokens will be priced at 6.40 baht each ($0.20 USD) and a total of 100 million coins will be offered through the ICO.

Initial Worries Set Aside

The SEC announcement represents a slight change in the generally positive attitude of the regulator towards initial coin offerings. Earlier comments by its representatives suggested some reservations but it seems that initial worries have been set aside. Assistant Secretary-General Praoporn Senanarong had previously stated that the new fundraising method posed “long-term disruptive risk to traditional financiers”.

At the time of his statement ICO regulation was promised by the second quarter of next year. Praoporn also shared concerns that token sales could replace initial public offerings in the long run. In his words, that would disrupt the traditional operations of asset management firms, investment banking, investment advisories, exchanges and brokers.
